How to remove “View all posts”

Create a simple filter to remove "View all posts filed under" and " View all posts in " from wp_list_categories() and the_category()

Using WordPress as a CMS site and don’t want the “View all posts filed under CATEGORY NAME” showing when you mouse over the links in the Category menu created from wp_list_categories().

Its simple to achieve without messing with classes.php. We have to create a filter to remove it. Simply copy and paste the code below in your theme’s function.php

add_filter('wp_list_categories', 'remove_category_link_prefix');

function remove_category_link_prefix($output) {
	return str_replace('View all posts filed under ', '', $output);

Similarly to remove “View all posts in CATEGORY NAME” showing, when using the_category() function, we create another filter.

add_filter('the_category', 'remove_the_category_link_prefix');

function remove_the_category_link_prefix($output) {
	return str_replace('View all posts in ', '', $output);